Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Human Calendar Book Of Enoch

The calendar in the Book of Enoch

Chapter 82 of The Book of Enoch documents the human  calendar that humans are to follow:

  • 364 days per year.
  • Each day of the year is marked by "heads over thousands" or specific stars.
  • 12 months per year.
  • 30 days per month.
  • 4 quarters in each year.
  • Each quarter consists of 90 days + 1 intercalated day.
  • The  beginning of each quarter is marked by an intercalated/intercalary day.
  • These intercalated days divide the four portions of the year.
  • The intercalated day is marked by the appearance of specific stars.
  •  The intercalated days (equinoxes and solstices) are not included in the  calendar.
  • New years begin in Spring, on the day after the Spring Equinox.
  • The signs of the New Year and Summer are given in detail.

Book of Enoch Chapter 74: lunar and solar cycles

  • The lunar and solar calendars describe the cycles of these luminaries and NOT the calendar that humans are to follow.
  • The sun and moon complete their cycles in each year in 364 days:

And the sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their position by a single day unto eternity; but complete the years with perfect justice in 364 days (book of Enoch 74: 12).

Why should humans follow the Enoch Calendar - Chapter 82 

  • It is simple and easy to follow.
  • The Bible does not document a 13th month.
  • When there is a leap year on other calendars, a day is lost.
  •  Persons born on the 29th of previous years miss a birthday.
  • The year does not end in 364 days on a lunar calendar:
And the sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their position by a single day unto eternity; but complete the years with perfect justice in 364 days (book of Enoch 74: 12).

  • I believe that God revealed the cycles of  the sun and moon to allow humans to track their path. 

List Of Jewish months

 List of Jewish months 

Jewish months are observed on a lunar calendar.

Jewish Month

Approximate Secular Date

This Month’s Special Dates


Abib in the bible





Lag B’Omer







Menachem Av


Tisha B’Av






The High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah









Conclusion of Chanukah



Tu B’Shvat




Source: Chabad.org

How Jewish months evolved

In the 4th century CE, the sage Hillel II foresaw the disbandment of the Sanhedrin, and believed that Jews would no longer be able to follow a Sanhedrin-based calendar. So Hillel and his rabbinical court established the perpetual calendar which is followed today.

According to this calendar, every month of the year, except for three, has a set number of days:

The calendar in the Book of Enoch

Chapter 82 of The Book of Enoch documents the human  calendar that the author observes:

  • 364 days per year.
  • Each day of the year is marked by "heads over thousands" or specific stars.
  • 12 months per year.
  • 30 days per month.
  • 4 quarters in each year.
  • Each quarter consists of 90 days + 1 intercalated day.
  • The  beginning of each quarter is marked by an intercalated/intercalary day.
  • These intercalated days divide the four portions of the year.
  • The intercalated day is marked by the appearance of specific stars.
  •  The intercalated days (equinoxes and solstices) are not included in the  calendar.
  • New years begin in Spring, on the day after the Spring Equinox.
  • The signs of the New Year and Summer are given in detail.

NB: Lunar and solar cycles

  • The lunar and solar calendars describe the cycles of these luminaries and NOT the calendar that humans are to follow.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Lost Books Playlist

Lost books introduction

Lost Books playlist contains ancient texts that are not really accessible to the general public. They make interesting reading as they can help to answer questions that we have about Earth, the human race, and history.

Some may be classified as divinely inspired by God as they were received in visions and revelations. However, content may have been altered at times, so please note, especially when there is divergence from known truth in existing scriptures.

Examples include:

- Book of Enoch.
- Apocalypse of Paul
- Apocalypse of Peter
- Apocalypse of Elijah

Other texts are historical in nature.

I reiterate that it is important to compare the information against known scriptures to determine the veracity of the content.

I will continue to add to the playlist as time goes on.

Human Spirit Playlist

About The  Human Spirit Playlist

The Human Spirit is the inner part of every human.  It was placed there by God the Creator and is knit with the cellular structures at the time of conception.

The human spirit is the distinct makeup of every individual and a reflection of the image and likeness of God.

Human beings are superior to every other created being that God made. He make us to be creative, compassionate, knowledgeable, to communicate with Him ...

And so much more.

These videos are just a miniscule representation of what I have learned and continue to learn about our inner being. 

Please drop a comment and I will respond.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Is there historical evidence of Jesus Christ outside of the Bible?

Is there historical evidence of Jesus Christ outside of the Bible?

Yes, there is, although much skepticism exists, As a believer, I am writing what others say, then I will share my own experiences.

Unbelieving Jews

Unbelieving Jews ostracize relatives who believe in Him as Lord and Savior. It would really be ludicrous to say He never existed, when the unbelieving Jews say He was real, but just not the Son of God.

Archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ

It's important to understand that, while there are numerous archaeological finds related to the 1st century Judea and early Christianity, direct archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ himself remains elusive. However, several discoveries offer valuable insights into the historical context surrounding him:

1. The Caiaphas Ossuary: This limestone bone box, unearthed in Jerusalem in 1990, bears the inscription "Yehohanan the son of Caiaphas." While not directly linked to Jesus, it holds significance because Caiaphas was the high priest who oversaw his trial according to the Gospels. This inscription offers tangible evidence of a key figure mentioned in the New Testament narrative.

2. The Pilate Stone: Discovered in Caesarea Maritima in 1961, this fragment of a limestone inscription bears the name "Pontius Pilate." Though the inscription is incomplete, it provides crucial confirmation of the existence of Pilate, the Roman prefect who ordered Jesus' crucifixion according to the Gospels. This physical evidence helps solidify the historical context surrounding the event.

3. The Pool of Siloam Inscription: Unearthed in Jerusalem's City of David in 2003, this inscription records the completion of repairs to the pool. While not directly related to Jesus, the pool itself is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the location where Jesus healed a blind man. This inscription helps date the pool and offers a glimpse into the water infrastructure of Jerusalem during Jesus' time, providing historical context for the biblical story.

It's important to remember that these finds, while fascinating, don't offer definitive proof of Jesus' existence or the events described in the Gospels. They primarily provide valuable historical context and corroborate the existence of some figures mentioned in the biblical narratives. Understanding the limitations and complexities of archaeological evidence is crucial when exploring this topic.

Evidences of Jesus Christ in the Quran

Secondly, the Quran, a contrasting religious book, affirms that He existed. The Quran offers a unique perspective on Jesus Christ, known as Isa in Arabic. Here are some key points:

High regard:

  • The Quran repeatedly affirms Jesus' importance as a prophet and messenger of God, often calling him "Isa, son of Mary."
  • He is considered one of the most honored prophets in Islam, alongside Moses, Abraham, and Muhammad.

Miraculous birth:

  • The Quran affirms Jesus' virgin birth, emphasizing God's power and grace in creating him without a father.

Prophecies and miracles:

  • The Quran describes several miracles performed by Jesus, like speaking in infancy, healing the sick, and reviving the dead.
  • These miracles are seen as signs of God's power and confirmation of Jesus' prophethood.

Emphasis on monotheism:

  • The Quran strictly emphasizes that Jesus was not divine or God's son. He is seen as a human prophet chosen by God.
  • Worshipping Jesus is strictly forbidden in Islam.

Second Coming:

  • The Quran mentions Jesus' return before the Day of Judgement, but details about his role are not fully elaborated.


  • The Quran portrays Jesus as a righteous prophet and servant of God, revered for his teachings and miracles.
  • While highlighting his importance, it emphasizes strict monotheism and prohibits worshipping him as divine.

Important to remember:

  • This is a simplified overview, and different interpretations of specific verses exist.
  • Understanding the Quran requires consideration of its historical context and scholarly interpretations.

Historical evidence of Jesus Christ

While the Bible remains the primary source of information about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, there exists limited historical evidence outside of it. Determining the extent and reliability of this evidence is an ongoing topic of debate among historians and theologians. Here's a breakdown:

Arguments for historical evidence:

  • Non-Christian sources:
    • Roman historians: Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny the Younger briefly mention Jesus in their writings, mostly in the context of his execution by Pontius Pilate. These mentions, though brief, provide some corroboration of his existence and crucifixion.
    • Jewish historian: Josephus, a Jewish historian, mentions Jesus twice in his works, the "Antiquities of the Jews" and "The Jewish War." 
  • Archaeological findings:
    • Although no direct archaeological evidence of Jesus himself exists, discoveries like ossuaries and inscriptions offer context about the historical setting and culture of his time.

People who have seen Jesus alive in modern times

There are individuals in the modern world who have seen Jesus alive. Here's what you need to know:

Types of Claims:

  • Visions and Dreams: Many reports involve visions or dreams of Jesus, often interpreted as personal revelations or spiritual experiences. 
  • Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): Some individuals report encountering Jesus during NDEs.
  • Physical Manifestations: Rarer claims involve seeing Jesus physically appear.

Personal experiences 

Yes, there are indeed many people who claim that Jesus is real based on personal experiences they perceive as miracles happening in their lives. These experiences can be diverse and vary greatly, and it's important to understand the complexity of such claims.

Here are some key points to consider:

Types of Experiences:

  • Healing: Some individuals report experiencing miraculous healings from illnesses or injuries, attributing them to Jesus' intervention. 
  • Answered Prayers: Many individuals believe their prayers were answered in extraordinary ways, leading them to believe in Jesus' power and presence. 
  • Personal Transformations: Some claim to have undergone profound spiritual transformations or life changes that they attribute to Jesus' influence.

The Letter of Lentelus

The "Letter of Lentulus" is a document that claims to be written by a Roman official named Lentulus to the Roman Senate describing the physical appearance and character of Jesus Christ. However, it is widely considered to be a fabricated document, meaning it is not authentic and was created much later than the time of Jesus.

These are critiques:

  • Historical inconsistencies: It is believed that the document contains historical inaccuracies, since it appears to mention Jesus' miracles in a way that aligns more with later Christian traditions than with what historians believe about Jesus' life. You can examine this claim to determine if you agree.
  • Linguistic evidence: The language used in the letter is not believed to be consistent with what would be expected from a Roman official of the time.
  • First appearance: The letter was first mentioned in the 15th century, centuries after Jesus' time.
  • Scholarly consensus: No reputable historian considers the letter to be authentic.
  • However, it is an interesting document to be taken into consideration.

My own experiences

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The 24 Hour Clock Of Bible Times

The 24 Hour Clock Of Bible Times 

New days began at sunrise.

New hours were counted based on the time of sunrise. 

Round numbers are used in the table for simplicity

6:00 AM1st
7:00 AM2nd
8:00 AM3rd
9:00 AM4th
10:00 AM5th
11:00 AM6th
12:00 PM7th
1:00 PM8th
2:00 PM9th
3:00 PM10th
4:00 PM11th
5:00 PM12th
6:00 PM13th
7:00 PM14th
8:00 PM15th
9:00 PM16th
10:00 PM17th
11:00 PM18th
12:00 AM19th
1:00 AM20th
2:00 AM21th
3:00 AM22th
4:00 AM23th
5:00 AM24th

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Jesus Healed 10 Lepers

Jesus Healed 10 Lepers

In today's bible story, we will discover the amazing miracle of how Jesus healed 1o lepers.  In Bible times, a leper had a skin disease that resulted in scaly, rough skin (Blueletterbible.org, nd).

In bible times, Hebrews who had the disease had to live away from other people.

The disease did not go away and no one could cure it in those times. Therefore, people were afraid of lepers.

Read on to learn more.

Discover how Jesus healed 10 lepers

One day, Jesus was going to Jerusalem. He had to pass between Samaria and Galilee. 

As He entered one of the villages, Jesus was met by ten men who had a disease called leprosy.

Their skin was rough and scaly and they felt very bad about their condition.  

The men stood at a distance because they were unclean. People with this condition could not mingle with others. They had to cover their lips and loudly cry "unclean, unclean."

Desperate to be healed, the lepers raised their voices and said, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.’ 

When Jesus saw them He said, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’

According to the law, the men would be declared clean by the priests after their skin was inspected.

By faith, the men began to take the route leading to the priest.   As they went along, they were cleansed. 

One of them, seeing that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice.  Maybe he had been inspecting his skin. 

What do you think?

The former leper fell down at Jesus' feet with his face to the ground. He gratefully thanked Jesus for healing him.

This man was a Samaritan and the other nine were Jews.

Jesus was amazed that the nine lepers from His own country had not returned to give Him thanks!

Jesus asked in astonishment, 

‘Weren't ten men cleansed? Where are the other nine?

Why didn't the Jews return to give thanks to God? Why did the foreigner alone give thanks?"

Jesus said to the man, ‘get up and go your way. Your faith has made you well.’

Jesus healed 10 lepers Luke 17: 11 - 19 (NASB)

11 While He was on the way to Jerusalem, He was passing between Samaria and Galilee.

12 As He entered a village, ten leprous men who stood at a distance met Him;

13 and they raised their voices, saying, ``Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"

14 When He saw them, He said to them, ``Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they were going, they were cleansed.

15 Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice,

16 and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan.

17 Then Jesus answered and said, ``Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine--where are they?

18 ``Was no one found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?"

19 And He said to him, ``Stand up and go; your faith has made you well."

Jesus healed  ten lepers meaning

Leprosy was a disease in which the skin of the affected person became scaly and rough. One of the related scriptures talked about scales falling from the eyes of Apostle Paul when Ananias laid hands on him (Acts 9: 18). 

Leprosy is like the disease of the spirit that is called sin.  Every human was born with the sin disease and needs to be cleansed, like the lepers.

People with sin cannot see what God is saying because their god satan has blinded their eyes.

The blood of Jesus is the only way to see and to be cleansed from sin.

To be cleansed, we need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died to save us from our sins.

Believing must be followed by confession of sins and turning away.

Turning away from sin means to repent and do them no more.

Jesus healed  ten lepers video

Jesus healed ten lepers coloring page

Jesus  healed 10 lepers resource

In this excellent analysis, Dr. Jay Schamberg shows that the leprosy of bible and modern times is not the same disease.

He reveals that bible days leprosy could have been psoriasis or vitiligo  and drectly related to punishment from God for transgressings  certain laws.

Human Calendar Book Of Enoch

The calendar in the Book of Enoch Chapter 82 of The Book of Enoch  documents the human  calendar that humans are to follow: 364 days per yea...